Exchangetrip to Spain
Because of my absense lately I don´t think I ever got the chance to tell you about this... but late is better than never I suppose. However, a couple of weeks ago, I travelled to Spain togheater with my spanishgroup in order to experience the culture and to practice our spanish in the field.
During our week in Spain we lived in Carmona, a pretty small town aproximately an hour south of Sevilla. We arrived to Carmona around four o clock in the morning. Despite the early hour there was a huge group of happy and energetic spanish students and parents giving us a warm welcome as we arrived. Since I went to a different school last year when the spanish students visited Sweden, I had never met any of the spanish students before so I was quite nervous while standing there. The only things I actually knew that moment was that, I was supposed to live with a girl named "Gracía", that she had brown hair and that her parents barely knew any english at all. Which was basically nothing. But after some asking around and some help by my teacher I finally found her mother who gave me a big hug .
Her mother tried to speak with me in spanish, but I was a little chocked by the sudden change in language and I had basically no idea of what she was talking about except for some words. And since I actually studied the language for three years I felt quite stupid. But she was so sweet and constantly smiling so it went okay. By the use of some handgestures and by speaking very slow we managed to understand eachother somewhat.
We were supposed to be at school by eight o clock the following, there for I think neither of us slept more than three hours that night. I don´t even think I slept one to be honest, since my cough held me awake. There for it was something of a miracle we survived the following day,. I don´t know it was because of the excitement, but I actually didn´t feel tired at all and everyone else seemed to enjoy them selves as well.
After a tour of the school we headed for Sevilla, the fourth biggest town in Spain and also one of the most beautiful ones.
When my family picked me up that day I finally got the chance to meet the youngest sister, Mercedes who were participating in a catholic parade that evening. I really like the way Spanish people are celebrating things. It seems like they often dress up and have a lot of parades during their holidays, which is a thing I kind of miss in Sweden. Of course we celebrate and have fun during some of our holidays, but the spanish people takes it to a higher level than we do.
I spent the saturday togheter with my family and I finally got some sleep. They showed me around in Carmona and introduced me to their family and their friends. When they heard I was interested in athletics they took me to the arena where we ran a little, besides, I wouldn´t be that unhappy if we had this view (first two photos) from our arena in Piteå.
The following morning the mother seemed a little extra excited when I woke up. With a big smile on her face she showed me to a wardrobe where there was about seven flamenco dresses in different colours, and asked me if I wanted to try them on. Which I of course gladly did. They were so thight I could barely walk, but it didn´t matter, I just couldn´t stop smiling (in fact theese four pictures where the only ones (of about 60 photos) where I didn´t laugh like an idiot).
Around lunchtime we headed for the cabin of Juan, one of the other spanish students. We had such a great time. We were just hanging out in the sun, playing guitar, swimming, dancing, eating, talking, laughing and getting to know eachother better. It really felt like everyone grew a lot closer that day. Later that evening we walked to the arena I spoke of earlier and played some football in the sunset. This day were simply wonderful and I really felt like everyone grew a lot closer.
When sunprotection isn´t enough ^
Later that afternoon we drived to the countryside where som realtives to the family had a stable where they were breeding horses and bulls (I atleast think they mentioned bulls)
This evening, i believe, must have been the coziest. All of the swedish and spanish students (along with some friends that weren´t a part of the exchange) gathered at a pizzarestaurant. We then sat down on the cobblestone sidewalk eating pizza and talking for what must have been atleast 2 hours while the darkness slowly hoovered down upon us...
The last day we spent in a city nearby called Cordoba looking at ruins from the time when the muslims ruled Spain and simply walking around in the town, enjoying the heat and the last hours togheater with our newmade friends.
...... everyone for everything.
This has been one of the best weeks in my life, it may sound a bit cliche, but it´s the truth. My family were nothing less than extraordinary, they welcomed me into their family like I was one of them and they were so kind and loving. I can´t with words descibe how thankful I´m for everything. I´ve learned so much spanish, made so many amazing friends and even more memories.
I miss you guys <3
Och till er som inte var med om det.... om ni någonsin får chansen... tveka inte! :)
Gu va fint inlägg Elin :)
Moa W
Åh vad mysigt det verkade vara! <3 Vi måste ses i sommar! KRAAAM!!